Markup languages
Application cache
<link rel="prefetch" href="_url_">
Shim for old IE browsers
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="<>"></script>
<form name="input" action="script.php" method="get">
Username: <input type="text" name="user" />
Favorite color:
<select name="color">
<option value="red">Red</option>
<option value="blue">Blue</option>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
Input attributes (HTML 5)
- color
- seach
- tel
- url
- date
- month
- week
- time
- datetime
- datetime-local (no timezone)
- number
- range (restrict to valid numeric range)
use required
to have the browser whine
<input ... required>
Code samples
<code>print 'hello world'</code> prints <samp>hello world</samp>
Canvas (HTML 5)
<canvas id='id' height='600' width='800'>fallback</canvas>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var canvas = document.getElementById(id)
if (canvas.getContext) {
var context = canvas.getContext(type)
Fixed-meter bar (HTML 5)
<meter value='num' min='num' max='num' optimum='num'>
fallback display
Progress bar (HTML 5)
<progress value='num' max='num'>
fallback display
Use JavaScript to move it around
Autofocus input (HTML 5)
<input ... autofocus>
Patterned input (HTML 5)
<!-- Enter 15 digits -->
<input type='text' pattern='[0-9]{15}'>
Dropdown list for text input (HTML 5)
<input type='text' ... list='listid'>
<datalist id='id'>
<option label='label1' value='value1'>
<option label='label2' value='value2'>
Editable content
<p contenteditable="true">
Link for phone numbers (mobile)
International calling code is required
<a href="tel:+14035555555">403-555-5555</a>
<!-- To handle an extension -->
<a href="tel:+14035555555p23">403-555-5555 ext. 23</a>
<!-- To use a fax line -->
<a href="fax:+14035555555">403-555-5555</a>
Doctype (HTML 5)
<!doctype html>
Semantic tags (HTML 5)
- <section>
- <nav>
- <article>
- <hgroup> (for article tag)
- <p> (In HTML 5, don't use the p tag for paragraph breaks - it *must* be used for paragraphs)
- <figure> (for article tag)
- <figcaption> (for figure tag)
- <aside> (for p tags)
Good meta tags to have
<title>up to 70 characters of relevant text</title>
<meta name="description" content="155 characters of message matching text">
gem install haml
-# This is a comment line, !!! 5 does the HTML 5 doctype
!!! 5
%meta{charset: "utf-8"}
-# You can pass variables to attributes
%meta{variable: attribute_variable}
%title Demo HAML page
-# you can use . or # instead of %div if you're using a div tag
= haml :footer
<!-- Comments are HTML comments, which can show up in the rendered output -->
[//]: # Non-standard way of commenting (avoiding rendering) is using using link to # (a valid URI) and blank line separation
[You can comment in the title box, and rely on :: to not find a reference elsewhere on the page (multiline support not guaranteed)]::
<!-- atx headers -->
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
###### Heading 6
<!-- Emphasis -->
*This text will be italic*
_This will also be italic_
**This text will be bold**
__This will also be bold__
_You **can** combine them_
~~This line is using a strikethrough~~
\*Use backslash for literals\*
<!-- Links -->
<> - automatic link
<!-- Images -->

<!-- Lists -->
- unordered
- list
1. ordered
2. list
1. Multiparagraph list
Requires 4 spaces/tab
2. Blockquoted items
> Need to have the > indented as well
Symbols and glyphs
Modifier | e.g. | HTML Entity | vim CK |
Grave | à | à | a! |
Acute | á | á | a’ |
Circumflex | â | â | a> |
Tilde | ã | ã | ’? |
Umlaut | ä | ä | a: |
Cedil | ç | ç | c, |
Set theory
desc | notation | unicode | vim CK |
empty set | \varnothing | 8709 | /0 |
set of natural numbers | \mathbb{N} | ||
set of integers | \mathbb{Z} | ||
set of rational numbers | \mathbb{Q} | ||
set of algebraic numbers | \mathbb{A} | ||
set of real numbers | \mathbb{R} | ||
set of complex numbers | \mathbb{C} | ||
is member of | ∈ | 8712 | (- |
is not member of | ∉ | 8716 | |
contains as member | ∋ | 8715 | -) |
is proper subset of | ⊂ | 8834 | (C |
is subset or equal to | \subseteq | 8838 | (_ |
is proper superset of | ⊃ | 8835 | )C |
is superset or equal to | \supseteq | 8839 | )_ |
set union | ∪ | 8746 | )U |
set intersection | ∩ | 8745 | (U |
tidy -xml -i -m [file]
# Check XML file is well-formed
xmllint --noout $FILE
# Check XML file against local DTD file
xmllint --noout --dtdvalid ./local.dtd $FILE
Description | Command | LaTeX |
Show a fraction | \frac{1}{2} | [$]\frac{1}{2}[/$] |
Show multiplication | × | [$]\times[/$] |
Show a square root | \sqrt{abc} | [$]\sqrt{abc}[/$] |
Infinity symbol | ∞ | [$]\infty[/$] |
Plus-minus symbol | ± | [$]\pm[/$] |
Pi symbol | π | [$]\pi[/$] |
Sum symbol | ∑ | [$]\sum[/$] |
Show x to the nth root | \sqrt[n]{x} | [$]\sqrt[n]{x}[/$] |
Create an exponent | xy-1 | [$]x^{y-1}[/$] |
Symbol to show proportionality | ∝ | [$]\propto[/$] |
Approximate symbol | ≈ | [$]\approx[/$] |
LaTeX logo | \LaTeX | [latex]\LaTeX[/latex] |
adding quotes
% Add to the preamble:
% Load biblatex package
% Load bibTeX file
% Add a citation somewhere in your file
Blah blah \autocite{<key>}
% In the backmatter,
document classes
- book
- article
- report
- letter
- slides
installing on Fedora
- texlive
- pdflatex
- texlive-xetex
- texlive-cm
- texlive-hyphen-base
- texlive-mfware
Add a draft watermark
\begin{tabular}{||c || c | c ||}
Foo? & Column A & Column B
Bar & Yes & No
Bax & No & Yes
Characters escaped with standard double Mustache syntax: & \ " < > '
| tag | desc |
| {{name}} | search a label in current context (HTML-escaped by default) |
| {{{name}}} | unescaped variable |
| {{#names}} | begin section for names (1 or more) |
| {{^names}} | begin section for names (false or empty array) |
| {{/names}} | end of a section |
| {{! comment}} | comment |
| {{> partial}} | partial (rendered at runtime) |
| {{=<% %>=}} | set delimiters to something else (here erb delimiters) |
If value is callable (ie function or lambda), text block is passed to callable unrendered and unexpanded.
#thing {
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-start; /* horizontal alignment */
align-items: flex-end; /* horizontal alignment */
align-content: flex-end; /* determine spacing between the lines */
order: 1; /* adjust the order */
flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-direction: row; /* direction of items - this flips justify-content and align-items */
/* you can also use flex-flow instead of -wrap and -direction */
flex-flow: row wrap;
.item {
align-self: flex-end; /* move an item */
Media types
- all
- braille
- embossed
- handheld
- projection
- screen
- speech
- tty
- tv
Mobile browsers
<link rel='stylesheet' media='all' href='base.css'
<link rel='stylesheet' media='screen and (max-width: 320px)' href='mobile.css'>
Use a custom font (CSS3)
@font-face {
font-family: MyFont;
src: url(myfont.ttf), url(myfont.eot);
selector { font-family: MyFont; }
Rounded corners (CSS3)
border: width style color;
border-radius: radius;
Box shadow (CSS 3)
box-shadow: xpos ypos blur spread color, ...;
Change an element’s background image (CSS 3)
selector {
background-image: url(imagefile), ...;
Translucent elements (CSS 3)
selector {
opacity: value;
filter: alpha(opacity=value);
Center an element
Give it a width and set the margin
margin: 0 auto;
width: 939px;
Create custom borders (CSS 3)
border-image: source slice repeat;
border-width: width;
Defaults for getting feed link:
# Wordpress
# Blogger / blogspot
Atom 1.0:
RSS 2.0:
Syntax cheatsheet:
``fixed-space literal``
.. comment
# Convert rst to HTML
rst2html FILE ...
Liquid templating system
EPUB files
zip -X ../spm.epub mimetype css/style.css META-INF/container.xml book.ncx book.opf solplayaymar.xhtml
- ERROR: /media/UDISK/spm.epub: mimetype entry missing or not the first in archive
- It is what it sounds like. When you create your zip archive, the first one in has to be the mimetype file.
- ERROR: /media/UDISK/spm.epub: extra field length for first filename must be 0, but was 28
- When you run zip, use the -X argument so that there’s no timestamps, etc. These are the ‘extra fields’
ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One)
Visually similar to Augmented Backus-Naur form, but is for data structures, not syntax.
Security Assertion Markup Language
Virtual Human Markup Language
<div class="mermaid">
title My working day
section Go to work
Make tea: 5: Me
Go upstairs: 3: Me
Do work: 1: Me, Cat
section Go home
Go downstairs: 5: Me
Sit down: 5: Me
title A Gantt Diagram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
section Section
A task :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d
Another task :after a1 , 20d
section Another
Task in sec :2014-01-12 , 12d
another task : 24d